Manual Monarch Lathe with 22" capacity 10 ft. Bed
Komo Bridge Style Mill Travels 26" Y-axis & 120" X-axis (20 station tool changer)
Eisele automatic cold saw 6" rd, 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 square +/- .005"
2-Fadal VMC-15 (16 station tool changer) 20" x 16" x 12"
Victor V-Center 4 (16 station tool changer) 20" x 16" x 12"
Makino Milling Center Single Tool
Brown and Sharp CMM (1m cube)
Yang CNC Lathe
6" chuck 8" swing with bar feeder 8" long part
Yang CNC Lathe
8" chuck 9" swing 17" long part
Miyano BNC-34S
6" chuck with bar feeder 1" diameter 12" stroke sub
Victor CNC Lathe
8" chuck 18" swing 18" long part
Victor CNC Lathe
20" chuck 27" swing 36" long part
Hwacheon CNC Lathe
8" chuck 9" swing 14" long part
Haas VF7 x 84" Y34" Z34" with 4th Axis
Miller Mig, Tig & Stick Welding
2-Acura 2-axis CNC Mill Proto Track Edge Control
Programmable Mastercut Saw
Up to 12" Rd+.005" tolerance
Programmable Daito Saw
Up to 14" Rd +/- .005"